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Monster Hunter World Winter Star Fest has kicked off - check out the new items

The Monster Hunter World Winter Star Fest kicked off yesterday on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Capcom is hosting the first snowy event for Monster Hunter World players, Winter Star Fest, and it comes with a host of new quests, outfits, and more.

Real quick: Capcom said after the Winter Star Fest, it will be performing data updates, so the Kulve Taroth Siege quest "Banquet in the Earthen Hall" will not be made available.

From now to December 17, players should head to Astera's Gathering Hub, the Celestial Pursuit, to have a look at the lovely winter decorations and check out the Handler and Poogie outfits.

During this period, almost all of the special Event Quests from the past are available again, and players will receive login bonuses and limited bounties. Check out the Monster Hunter World Winter Star Fest quest schedule through the official website.

You can also give Arekkz's latest video a watch, as he goes over the most important Event Quests you need to do during the Winter Star Fest.

Armor exclusive to the Winter Star Fest can be created using Winter Star Tickets. The Orion α series and the Orion series layered armor are pictured below. Once tickets are obtained, go have a chat with the Smithy as he'll have a delivery request for you.

Gather Winter Star Tickets during the festival and deliver them to the Resource Center in combination with the research points earned during Event Quests to get some shiny new layered armor. These are head armor fashioned after a Wiggler, and a custom-made eye patch that give off a black glow.

Players can also take on the Event Quest Timberland Troublemakers to earn Bristly Crake Tickets which are used to craft and upgrade the Bristly Pincushion hammer, modeled after the phantom bird itself.

The new Snow Set for the player's Palico can also be crafted using Winter Star Tickets.

Staff at Astera's Gathering Hub

Orion α series (left) and the Orion series (right), hammer, Palico

Eye patch, Wiggler helmet

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