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Metal Gear Solid 5: Kojima discusses gameplay-heavy E3 trailer

Metal Gear Solid 5's next trailer will not feature explosions or carnage of any kind, creator Hideo Kojima has revealed, but it will be full of gameplay and insight into what's going on.

UPDATE: This leaked piece of Gamespot art - found by NeoGAF - suggests that Snake's Western voice actor will be revealed at E3 2013. Check it out via the link above.

ORIGINAL STORY: Discussing the incoming clip on Twitter, Kojima said he was changing tact:

He then added:

Raw Metal Gear Solid 5 gameplay is what a lot of people have been crying out for, so it's refreshing to see Kojima giving the fans a greater perspective on how the game will actually play. He added that here will be plenty of secrets hidden around the video as well, that sly devil.

What are you hoping to see from the clip?

Meanwhile you can check out our Metal Gear Solid 5 all access page, full of all the game's juicy rumours and facts.

Thanks Gamespot.

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