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Mass Effect Andromeda team confirms no single-player DLC or even patches, but franchise not dead yet

Mass Effect Andromeda's single-player experience is done and dusted.

Mass Effect Andromeda had been expected to follow franchise tradition by expanding with a couple of single-player DLC packs after release, but it was not to be.

In an update to the community, BioWare confirmed there will be no single-player content incoming, and that it's done making patches for the single-player side of Mass Effect Andromeda, too.

"Our last update, 1.10, was the final update for Mass Effect: Andromeda. There are no planned future patches for single-player or in-game story content," BioWare said.

"The game was designed to further expand on the Pathfinder’s journey through this new galaxy with story-based APEX multiplayer missions and we will continue to tell stories in the Andromeda Galaxy through our upcoming comics and novels, including the fate of the quarian ark."

Multiplayer support and development for Mass Effect Andromeda will continue, so you can expect new character kits and events.

This doesn't mean the franchise is dead, by the way. BioWare ended its post by saying it hopes "to see you again in the Mass Effect universe", and recently-returned BioWare leader Casey Hudson took to Twitter to say the sci-fi universe will be back someday.

"I love Mass Effect too much to not want to work on it again in the future," he said.

Let's hope that means Mass Effect games, and not just more comics and novels.


Although news of Mass Effect Andromeda's single-player demise is disappointing, it's not unexpected. Mass Effect Andromeda reviews were not up to series standard, and the horribly rough state it released in combined with a badly-paced opening meant it became something of a laughing stock despite quick patching work from the team.

It wasn't long before rumours began to circulate of BioWare Montreal becoming a support team, which is a bit sad given that MAss Effect Andromeda was only its first go as lead developer. EA eventually merged BioWare Montreal with EA Motive, which suggests it is more interested in Star Wars than BioWare's own IP right now.

BioWare Edmonton, the core team, continues to work on shard-worlds shooter Anthem and something new in the Dragon Age franchise. BioWare Austin continues to beaver away on MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic as well as supporting other EA teams.

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