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Going legal: Mass Effect 3 ending sparks FTC complaints

An increasing number of angry fans have filed complaints with the US Federal Trade Commission claiming that Mass Effect 3's ending doesn't live up to advertised claims.

As detailed on the BioWare Social Network, a player by the name of El Spiko believes EA and BioWare are guilty of false advertising.

"I filed an FTC complaint against EA. After reading through the list of promises about the ending of the game they made in their advertising campaign and PR interviews, it was clear that the product we got did not live up to any of those claims."

Other users have detailed the promises in question in a separate thread.

El Spiko feels none of these claims were met, and has encouraged like-minded users to file their own complaints with the FTC and the Better Business Bureau.

"After the terrible ending that was in no way the product that had been advertised to me and the lack of any kind of response from Bioware/EA to address this, I felt it was one of my only recourses. I'll be returning my copy of the game before the end of my 30 day return policy if the ending still hasn't been addressed by then," the user added.

Several other gamers have since followed suit, although El Spiko has had to defend their actions by pointing out that an FTC complaint is not a lawsuit nor likely to have significant repercussions for either company.

BioWare has indicated it is aware of feedback pertaining to Mass Effect 3's ending and believes some criticism may be valid. A user campaign to change the ending has raised over $65,000.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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