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Kojipro's Fox Engine to be revealed on August 30

Hideo Kojima has promised to show off the tech powering his studio's new projects by the end of next month - and maybe even the new game itself.

"Although the Fox Engine is not finished we are ready to show what it can do, on August 30 in Japan to be more specific," Kojima wrote in a feature on the US PS Blog.

The date in question is that of a special Metal Gear Solid 25th Anniversary event in Tokyo; Andriasang reports 50 members of the public will be able to attend.

Although the tech is incomplete, Kojima is keen to show it off - but hasn't been able to because it's being developed alongside at least one new game, which hasn't been revealed yet. The creative's other comments suggest we'll see one of these mysterious projects, too/

"The Fox Engine is nearly finished, but the only way to be sure it works is to create a game at the same time and improve the engine with our tools as we go along," he noted.

"Originally we were going to do this for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but a lot happened along the way and instead it is being made with the engine they have at Platinum Games."

Kojima Productions is working on something called Project Ogre, and is strongly suspected to have a new Metal Gear Solid as well as a Zone of the Enders sequel in the works.

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