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Infinity Ward loses another pair of veteran devs


Even in the midst of outrage, legal shenanigans, and a web of intrigue that'd make the producers of Lost blush, the time-honored institution that is the buddy system still stands firm. First Jason West and Vince Zampella took off hand-in-hand, then Francesco Gigliotti and Todd Alderman packed each others' bags, and now veteran programmer Jon Shiring and designer Mackey McCandlish have both said their goodbyes to Infinity Ward.

Shiring - who'd lent his talents to Infinity Ward for nearly six years - announced his departure via Twitter.

"After almost 6 years at Infinity Ward, I resigned today. I'm incredibly proud of everything we accomplished and I'm going to miss everyone," he said.

Meanwhile, Kotaku reports that McCandlish - obviously not as hip and with the times as Shiring - bid his fond farewells via social networking dinosaur Facebook. He'd been toiling away at Infinity Ward for eight years. To put it in perspective, that's longer than Facebook's entire existence! We shudder at the thought.

Sure is a good thing Respawn Entertainment opened today, huh? Otherwise, Shiring and McCandlish would be totally out of luck. Weird how frequently total coincidences like these seem to happen, right?

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