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Homefront 2 release may slip after THQ sale, Crytek revealing details "soon"

Homefront 2 developer Crytek has discussed the nature of the IP's purchase from THQ with VG247. General manager, games Nick Button-Brown has discussed the impact of Homefront 2's sale and Crytek's working relationship with the former license holder.

Originally pegged for a 2015 release, Homefront 2's launch window may slip due to the THQ sale, but Button-Brown assured us that the game's development will not be affected in any other way.

"Crytek’s focus is fairly similar to THQ's -namely to make the best game possible," he explained, "so this will not have too much impact on the development itself. However, we might change the release date that we haven’t announced, and move this to another release date we won’t announce yet either."

On how it felt to be the new owners of the Homefront IP, Button-Brown added, "The main reason we wanted to purchase the IP was because the game is coming along so well. The team in Crytek UK has put their heart and soul into the game, and the progress is great - [our] last milestone was excellent.

"The worst case scenario for us was that this situation meant that all that work just ended up being thrown into the bin, so we wanted to buy the IP to make sure the team can finish off the game they wish to make. But we always have and will believe in the potential of the IP. This is why we agreed to work on it in the first place, so it’s now beneficial for us to have control over the IP's destiny."

I then asked Button-Brown when we could expect more news on Homefront 2, and he didn't hold back too much in his reply, "Soon... Currently we are trying to get all the paperwork closed on this, but we would like to be a little more open, than if we were working with a publisher.

"Also, right now, we are talking about how we should and would like to work with the community and we will try to let everyone know what we are doing, as soon as we can."

In closing Button-Brown wanted to share his condolences for THQ following its sale, "Our experience with them was really good. They were a good partner and through to the end they always treated us with respect and honesty. We are very sorry to see them go and really feel for our friends on the THQ side who are now out of a job."

So it seems we won't have too long to wait for an update on Homefront 2. Are you excited or keen to see what Crytek UK has done with the IP? Let us know below.

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