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Here's the Persona 5 release trailer in case the amazing review scores weren't enough to convince you

Persona 5 is attracting rave reviews, but why listen to critics when you could absorb marketing directly?

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Persona 5 really seems to be something special, if its general reception is anything to go by.

Alex said Persona 5 is the best JRPG in a decade, and Persona 5 reviews have been amazing.

Of course, JRPGs aren't for everyone, but even the most cynical must admit that the visual style is really something else. Peep the Persona 5 release trailer above for a bit of a preview. The whole thing is in that style; it's the first game to ever make me sit up straight and exclaim in delight over a UI.

Persona 5 is available now on PS3 and PS4. Word is it's even better in Japanese, as we necessarily lose some of the context by virtue of not being immersed in the culture (no, anime marathons don't count). But even if the dark social and political commentary or themes go over our heads, a good time is still pretty likely.

If you're new to Persona, Shin Megami Tensei or even JRPGs in general, check in with Alex's Persona 5 tips.

He's got many years of experience under his belt so I expect he'll see you through what seems to be a pretty challenging experience.

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