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Hell freezes, pigs fly: Duke Nukem Forever goes gold

Its actually happened: 2K has announced that Duke Nukem Forever has gone Gold, meaning that the game is now being pressed to disc and will ship - as in, baring a colossal catastrophe, actuality properly ship - on June 10.

2K's and Gearbox just released this image to celebrate the news.

"Always bet on Duke, I did," said Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford.

"I bet on all of the developers who have ever been a part of this legendary project and I bet that none of us want to live in a world without the Duke. I've played the final game and it is an incredible experience - a once-in-a-lifetime opus of interactive entertainment that reminds me once again why Duke Nukem is our King.

The developers of Duke Nukem Forever at 3D Realms, Triptych, Piranha and finally at Gearbox deserve our thanks and respect for never giving up and have truly shown us that they have balls of steel!"

Christoph Hartmann, 2K's president, continued: "Duke Nukem Forever is the game that was once thought to be unshippable, and yet here we are, on the precipice of history."

"When you play this game you will be reminded of that epic journey at every turn and in every small detail of the game," added 3DRealms creative director George Broussard.

"The character, attitude, interactivity, gameplay and political incorrectness combine to make a Duke Nukem game a unique gaming experience. In the timeless words of Duke Nukem it's finally time to 'Come Get Some'. Come be a part of gaming history.

After 14 years of development at 3DRealms, where it was thought to be canned at one stage, Gearbox announced the game's revival at PAX Prime in Seattle. A May 2010 launch was previously penciled in, but was delayed up until next month.

Game's out on June 10 internationally and June 14 in the US for PS3, 360 and PC. Those with membership to the Duke Nukem First Access Club will get the demo on June 3.

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