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Fortnite already topping iTunes charts in 13 countries, including US and UK

Since its release on iOS, Fortnite continued to make its way to the top of the charts in many countries across the world.

Over the weekend, Fortnite comfortably claimed the top spot on iTunes' free apps list in 13 countries. The UK and US are just some of the countries where you can currently see it at the very top.

This is the free apps chart, which encompasses more than just games, a big testament to the unquestionable popularity of the game right now. Stat tracker Sensor Tower has been charting Fortnite's trajectory on iOS since its release, noting the impressive jumps it made in just a few hours.

It's worth noting that Fortnite is not yet freely available on the store. You still need to sign up for an invite. Without getting an invite from Epic Games, there's currently no way to play the game, which makes the game's performance so far all the more impressive.

You can check out these links for the top iTunes US apps, and the top iTunes UK apps.

If you do have an invite, you should know that this is an in-development version and as such will have a few bugs and networking issues.

If your game is constantly crashing, however, you may need to upgrade your phone. There's been some discrepancy between the store's listed requirements and Epic's official list of supported phones, which caused a lot of frustration for users with older phones.

Until the game becomes available without the need for an invite, it's worth reading up on how different it is on mobile compared to consoles.

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