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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon video shows plenty of gameplay

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon looks batshit crazy, and to prove just how over the top it is, Sam Clay was able to speak with Ubisoft on the matter and get a look at gameplay in London today during the firm's Digital Days 2013.

The game stars Rex Colt, a super-soldier voiced by the awesome Michael Biehn, who is shooting his way through a sci-fi looking region on the island inhabited by dragons which look like iguanas on steroids.

Think of it as if the movie Godzilla had a baby with Blade Runner's atmosphere and the weapons came from Robocop or something with neon - that is the vibe I got from watching this. Looks fun, though.

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is due on Xbox Live Arcade and other formats on May 1.

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