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Extra content may push Leisure Suit Larry remake to 2013

If only you hadn't donated so much money, ya perverts!

Thanks to the more than $650k in funds raised by Replay games, Leisure Suit Larry 1 Reloaded is getting a good deal of new content put into its HD remake.  The bad news is, in order to polish that content, Replay Games says it will likely not be able to hit its originally projected October 2012 release date and may even push the game's release into 2013 so as not to get caught up in the holiday rush.  Not a bad idea, but sad news for all of you lounge lizards out there who can't wait to relive the glory days of your favorite polyster protagonist.

This news comes as part of the latest Kickstarter blog post by Replay CEO Paul Trowe, who added, "There is nothing I can't stand more than a game that was released "to make Christmas" that is just riddled with bugs"

Neither can we.  Carry on, sir.

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