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EVE: Online player voice comms really show how exciting it can be

EVE Online is often derided as a spreadsheet MMO, but for those who invest in the space sim, the rewards are worth the learning curve. This trailer comes with a goosebumps warning.

The EVE Online trailer below was put together using snippets of player voice chat from recordings submitted by players. You'll get a glimpse of mass battles among hardcore veterans and hopeful beginners, as well as the tension and quiet satisfaction of solo players.

Holy s**t friends, I love video games. Just look at what video games enable. Throw a bunch of people in a sandbox and the most amazing things happen. EVE Online is a treasure, and I think the current popularity of projects like Elite, No Man's Sky and Star Citizen owes much to CCP's efforts at keeping the space simulation dream alive during its quiet years.

If you'd like to try EVE Online, there's a 14-day trial available. After that you'll need to buy subscription time, but it's worth noting that you can do so with in-game money you're advanced enough.

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