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“I am currently not involved with TES VI” - Skyrim composer Jeremy Soule hasn't been asked to return

Skyrim composer Jeremy Soule says Bethesda hasn’t asked him to work on the next Elder Scrolls.

Jeremy Soule’s soaring scores for Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind are a big part of what makes wandering across those worlds feel so magical. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like he’ll be coming back for the sixth game in the RPG series.

Soule announced the news to his fans on his Facebook page.

“As so many of my fans have asked... While I’ve not said much about this out of courtesy to Bethesda, I would never turn my back on TES, and I believe that my involvement would hinge on a creative decision on their part and where they want to take the franchise. To confirm, I am currently not involved with TES VI.”

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He followed this up by saying that he appreciates the support, but he believes whoever Bethesda hires will do a good job and the game will still be great without his involvement.

In 2016, Soule criticised Bethesda for using his music in a Skyrim concert without telling him, meaning the performances were “transcriptions” of his work.

“For the record, this concert has nothing to do with me, nor are they are using any of my original scores," the composer said at the time. "They had to transcribe whatever notation they are performing by ear from the recordings. This is a flawed process as transcriptions are always fraught with errors.

“To be sure, I don’t know who these people are and I don’t endorse a concert that is trading on my name and music that has absolutely no oversight or involvement on my part. For my fans, I just want you to know what you’re getting if you pay to attend this concert. Be wary.”

Whether this soured Soule’s relationship with Bethesda or not isn’t clear, but it looks like we’ll be getting a different composer for The Elder Scrolls 6, which is likely still years away.

Fallout composer Inon Zur is creating the OST for Elder Scrolls Blades, so it wouldn't be a huge surprise if he's also been asked to work on TES6.

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