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EA is not worried about releasing both Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 in the same period

Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 will not be competing for the same audience, and EA believes the two shooters won't cannibalise the sales of one another.


EA is not worried about releasing both Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 in the same period

EA announced during its quarter four earnings report yesterday that Titanfall 2 is due out this fall. That means that Respawn's sequel will be launching during the same period as Battlefield 1, which some thought is a strange decision.

According to CEO Andrew Wilson, however, the two games are catering to different audiences. "[Shooters are] a giant category in our industry, $4.5 billion, there's a very broad and diverse set of players who are looking to fulfil different gameplay motivations," Wilson said during the call to investors.

"Some people play very quick play, some people play more strategic, some people want both in different context.

"We feel we have a really strong position to deliver the broader set of gameplay mechanics as it relates to the first-person shooter genre across two titles. I feel very confident that we are well positioned to do very well in that category in the year."

On Titanfall 2 itself, CFO Blake Jorgensen said it has "evolved substantially" from the first game, and that EA is confident it will outsell the original. Titanfall 2 is, of course, a multi-platform title, unlike the original, which was an Xbox One and PC exclusive.

Battlefield 1 has a solid release date of October 21, whereas Titanfall 2 is still without one, though it will be out in Q3 2016.

Thanks, Seeking Alpha.

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