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Dynasty Warriors 7 roster update - Lian Shi, Lu Bu, Pang Tong and Dian Wei

The latest dribble of information on Omega Force's Dynasty Warriors 7 has revealed three character make overs - and one entirely new addition to the line up, the lovely Lian Shi.

KOEI Warriors revealed the new character designs in its regular Famitsu scan harvest, through which KOEI are drip-feeding reveals before updating either the Japanese or English websites.

Lian Shi is a brand new face on the roster, better known to history as Lady Bu. As Sun Quan's favourite wife, she was declared empress following her death; in-game, she fights for the Wu faction with some sort of crossbow.

The other major reveal is franchise ultra-antagonist Lu Bu, kept under wraps for months despite pants-wetting anticipation for the mighty villain.

This sixth batch of scans also features returning character - Pang Tong, the Shu strategist, and Dian Wei, Cao Cao's bodyguard.

Dynasty Warriors 7 releases in Japan on March 10; the US on March 22; and the UK on March 25, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

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