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DriveClub wasn't delayed to implement VR support, says Yoshida

DriveClub, the racer in development for PlayStation 4 at Evolution Studios, wasn't delayed in order to implement virtual reality support, according to Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida.


Speaking with Gamespot at GDC 2014, Youshida called such mutterings a rumor.

"There's a rumor the reason of the push back of DriveClub was to make it Morpheus compatible," he said. "That's totally untrue."

Yoshida said the studio did experiment with a cockpit view using Project Morpheus, but VR only worked at low driving speeds. When players drove faster, it became "kind of difficult and sickening."

DriveClub was announced as a lunch title for PlayStation 4 during the console's reveal in New York last year. The game was delayed into "early 2014" so Evolution could "go back to the drawing board" with it.

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