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Denis Dyack says NeoGAF is hurting the videogame industry, demands reform

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You may remember a certain irate comment made by Silicon Knights President Denis Dyack on popular gaming forum NeoGAF. Well, as it turns out, the whole thing was just an experiment.

"I was basically calling out people who had no way of assessing the game," Dyack told 1up. “All I wanted to point out to people is that this is so ridiculous."

Later on, he revealed the method behind his madness.

"I went through all of this for two reasons... If you're going to look at the NeoGAF forum as a non-profit organization, if it does not reform itself, it's eventually going to crumble,” he said. “There's going to be a point where they step over the line where someone's going to shut them down. That would be a loss for everyone... The question I have to ask the moderators of GAF: Are you going to follow your own rules? With people making GIFs of myself that are, I would say, attacking me... Why haven't 180 people been banned now? If I wanted to move in and shut that place down, do I have grounds under their own forum policy?"

Finally, Dyack concluded by demanding that NeoGAF’s moderators instigate some kind of reform “before people stop listening to [NeoGAF],” saying that the forum and others of its ilk are "hurting society and hurting the videogame industry."

All of this has us wondering, is any publicity - negative or positive - good publicity? Too Human will certainly give us some kind of answer.

By Nathan Grayson

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