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Dark Souls 3: 10% of players have yet to reach first bonfire, and other interesting PC stats

Whether due to technical issues or they just couldn't bother, a lot of players have yet to defeat the first boss in Dark Souls 3, or even light the first bonfire.


Thanks to Steam's achievement system, we now know a few interesting details about the types of players who bought Dark Souls 3 on PC.

The data on Steam's achievement page is publicly available, and although not conclusive, it represents a rare look at how players received the latest iteration in what's been traditionally known as a very challenging series of games.

'Enkindle' is the name of the first achievement in the game. According to Steam, around ten percent of players have yet to earn it. You earn 'Enkindle' when you light your first bonfire, which is a few short minutes away from the start of the game, after defeating into a couple of very easy enemies.

Yet, despite the game being out nearly a month, almost ten percent of those who bought the game never managed to reach their first bonfire. At launch, lots of players ran into an issue that would crash their games as soon as they reached the first bonfire.

This would definitely have an effect on this particular stat. The other, more obvious answer is that a lot of players have simply given up, or couldn't find the time to play it since release.

Similarly, Iudex Gundyr, the game's first boss, has yet to be defeated by around 25 percent of the player base. That number is not insignificant. Basically, around quarter of Dark Souls 3 players never even reached Firelink Shrine, the game's hub area.

The first boss is usually referred to by the community as the 'tutorial boss', and in the case of Gundyr, he's actually among the easiest these ones have been. It's also worth noting that you can't summon help for this fight, which is something lots of players rely on to defeat bosses.

As for the final boss, just over 37 percent of players managed to defeat it, which is not bad at all when you consider the rest of the data.

You can see all of this and more, through Steam.

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