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Cease fire campaign calls for online peacetime in memory of Sandy Hook victims

A cease fire campaign has called on players of online shooting games to lay down arms in memory of the Sandy Hook school shooting victims. The campaign organisers aren't blaming gamers for what happened, instead asking players to take action to show the rest of the world that gamers care about such issues. Get the details below.

MCV reports that the campaign will start on Friday December 21st, and will operate under the Twitter hashtag #OSCeaseFire, should you wish to voice your participation.

The 'Day Of Ceasefire For Online Shooter' campaign was started on Facebook as a reaction to claims that games - specifically Dynasty Warriors - were the catalyst for the Sandy Hook shootings.

“We are not blaming video games," said organiser and GamerFitNation Inc CEO Antwand Pearman. "We are simply making a statement that we as Gamers are not going to sit back and ignore the lives that were lost.

“Instead we will embrace the families with our love and support. This starts Thursday night, Friday morning at 12am and will in Friday night, Saturday morning at 12am.”

Will you take part by laying down arms? Let us know below.

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