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Bleszinski's "mind blown" by id acquisition


Cliff Bleszinski's shocked by the fact id sold to Zenimax. We know, because he told Develop so.

My mind is blown. id was always the studio I had my eyes on in the early days as far as wondering if we could be as good as them if not better. 

When we had Unreal Tournament they had Quake 3 which is one of those legendary showdowns between two games. To see this happen to the id guys just blows my mind.

To see the old standbys go through these kinds of changes – like with 3D Realms closing up Duke Nukem – it’s really shocking. We all came from the same mould from the shareware days; these studios have been around forever, and to see them acquired like that is a surprise.

I think in the long term it will probably be a good thing for id. It will add stability, it will help them leverage their properties more; but in the meantime it’s so surreal. As they say, the one constant is change.

"Good thing for id" is probably the thing to take away from that. There's a full interview through the link.

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