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Battlefield: "The Bad Company series is by no means killed", says DICE

Battlefield 4 is taking precedent at DICE right now, but that doesn't mean that Bad Company 3 has been ruled out entirely, according to executive producer Patrick Bach. They're just quite busy right now.

Speaking with IGN about a possible future for the Bad Company series, Bach said, "Right now, I would not say we have the bandwidth to do it at the DICE studio in Stockholm," and added, "The Bad Company series is by no means killed or anything, it’s still out there.

Bach noted Bad Company's influence on the Battlefield 4 multiplayer formula we see today and added, "We merged the Battlefield main game with Bad Company, and we’ll continue to do it. I won’t say we’ll never build another Bad Company game, but right now we’re focusing on Battlefield 4."

Would you like to see DICE return to the Bad Company canon? Let us know below.

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