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Battlefield Hardline - Betrayal DLC additions detailed

EA outlines some of the features coming to Battlefield Hardline with the Betrayal DLC, both free and paid.


Battlefield Hardline has more content on the way for all players. The upcoming update will coincide with the launch of Betrayal, the game's fourth and final DLC pack.

Those who buy the DLC, or own the season pass, get the following:

  • Four intricate maps: Alcatraz, Cemetery, Chinatown, and Thin Ice
  • Seven new weapons
  • Two new vehicles
  • Customize primary weapons and uniforms with the Gun Bench Super Feature, and test them at the Gun Range
  • New Assignments and Legendary weapon camos

The free update, too, is substantial, bringing 11 new weapons and new server presets. In addition, every Gold Battlepack you open after applying the update, will have a chance of dropping a weapon license voucher.

Weapon licenses are Hardline's way of allowing you to make faction-specific weapons available to use when playing as either faction.

To see some of the coming maps and weapons, watch Westie show a few of them off.

Betrayal is due out sometime in March.

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