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Battlefield Hardline beta date confirmed on Xbox Store

The beta date for Battlefield Hardline has popped up on the Xbox Store, confirming the rumoured date.

bf hardline 5

The listing for the Battlefield Hardline beta is available for anyone to see right now on the Xbox Store. Granted, it's for Xbox 360, but unless EA is starting this beta early on Xbox 360, this will pretty much be the date for all platforms.

Here's a screengrab of it, in case it gets pulled. As you can see, it shows February 3 as the starting date. Excuse the American format.


This the second time the same date has been revealed, but not officially. The first time was through a an EA Ronku email to YouTubers.

Later today, developer Visceral Games will talk more about the game as part of the 'This Season on Hardline' weekly feature, and will mostly likely finally confirm it then.

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