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Baldur's Gate lock out initiated by Atari

Beamdog boss Trent Oster has confirmed that Atari is the unnamed publishing partner responsible for the withdrawal of Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition and shutdown of development on sequels.

"At the request of Atari legal we removed the game from sale on Beamdog and the App stores," Oster told GameInformer.

"Atari is still selling the game through their channels. We're trying to remedy the situation and I'm hopeful we can come to an arrangement."

As usual with ongoing legal issues, Oster did not give any further details on what inspired Atari to shutdown Beamdog's work.

Beamdog was working on an Android port of and patches for the first game, as well as its sequel, but has had to cease development while the problem is resolved; it has no ETA on when work will resume.

The team may go on to make Baldur's Gate 3 as intended but has been "demoralised" by the drama.

Atari holds publishing rights for many Dungeons & Dragons-related titles.

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