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Bad Company and Mirror's Edge IPs are "too good to kill," says Bach

Bad Company 3 and Mirror's Edge 2 are still on the table at EA, according to DICE executive producer Patrick Bach.

Speaking with IGN, Bach reiterated what various EA executive have been saying regarding both IPs for ages now, but with Mirror's Edge especially, Bach said it was an IP DICE loves "and of course we haven't killed it, because it's too good to kill."

Love is a word Bach used to describe the firm's - and his - feelings for the Bad Company IP as well, as both are "very dear to me because I worked on both titles."

"We have no information with where we are to a sequel to Bad Company, so I can’t tell you anything about that IP," he said. "[We] never kill something that's great."

Until either title is announced, Bach said DICE has "other projects in store" for fans other than Battlefield 4, and what these are, well, the public will "just have to wait and see."

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