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Assassin's Creed II DLC to be released January 28

assassins creed 2

Ubisoft has tweeted that the first bit of Assassin's Creed II DLC will be released on January 28.

Called the Battle of Forli, the add-on will run you 320 MS Points ($3.99/£2.72/€3.72) on Xbox Live and PSN.

In it, players defend the Forli base with Machiavelli and Caterina Sforza against the Orsi brothers through six new playable memories and must protect a Piece of Eden from the Templars. Leonardo's flying contraption also returns, allowing you to fly across Romagna.

Bonfire of Vanities DLC hits next month, and includes 10 memories, Machiavelli, and takes place in Florence where Ezio must save the city from the monk Savonarola using a new move called the spring-jump.

Sounds like loads more stealthy stabbings are headed players way. Which is a good thing.

There's a video over on Joystiq, featuring creative director Patrice Desilets chatting about the DLC. You should go have a watch.

Hopefully, you like Ezio, because the next Assassin's Creed is expected to be released sometime before March 2011, and it's a continuation of his story.

Sorry. No feudal Japan for you.

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