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American Resistance 2 beta gets underway, game goes gold

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As reported by the US PS Blog, the Resistance 2 beta has now started, available only to those who pre-ordered the game through GameStop or subscribe to Qore.

In addition, SCEA's confirmed that the game is complete. From the post:

The Beta will include competitive maps from three locations in the game. These maps include 60-, 40-, and 20-player maps from Orick, 40- and 20-player maps from Chicago, and the 10-Player map Sub Docks (Bay Area). New modes Skirmish and Core control will be supported, along with Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. The co-op portion of the beta will focused on Orick, and will support randomization of your play-path. Both co-op and competitive will support matchmaking and class/character progression up to level 10. This will allow unlocking of new equipment, upgrades and berserks for character customization.

Lots more through there. Still waiting on confirmation of a start date in Europe.

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