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Steam Machines: streaming boxes would be "awesome", but partners want native support

Steam Machines that stream games to your TV, rather than running games natively on independent hardware, have to take a backseat to the high-end versions revealed this week.

Speaking with PC Gamer, product designer Greg Coomer said that "lower-spec boxes that are cheap, streaming-only devices" would be "awesome", but have been pushed down the priorities list by the demands of content partners.

"All [Valve's] content partners are so interested in extending their reach by having native support on Linux. That's really the picture we're working towards," he said.

"There isn't a desire to delay that kind of device. It's kind of just development bandwidth that has kept us from doing that sooner. The ones that have been unveiled this week really are supposed to be, and are, devices that are quite powerful to run games natively under your TV."

"Ultimately, native support is more important."

Matt argued that it isn't entirely clear who Steam Machines are for, whereas a cheap streaming-only box to hook up to your existing über rig might make sense to existing Steam power users.

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