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You Don't Know Jack "very unlikely" to return to consoles

Despite its recent popularity, don't hold your breath for a new retailer release of triva game You Don't Know Jack.

Asked during a Reddit AMA whether the game might return to consoles, the development team weren't optimistic.

"We wouldn't completely rule it out. But it's very, very unlikely," a representative said.

"THQ probably won't do it with us again (for numerous reasons). Not a huge market for casual games like ours at retail, sadly. But, anything's possible."

THQ, of course, just went bust.

You Don't Know Jack appeared mainly on Mac and PC, but also turned up twice on the PSOne, and in 2011, on DS, PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox 360. Its current, free-to-play incarnation is available on iOS and Facebook, and is headed to Android.

Thanks, Shack.

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