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Warhawk and Resistance join Uncharted for Home add-ons

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Following news that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune will bring a brand new 2D side-scrolling action game to Home, Warhawk and Resistance plans for the service sound just as cool.

According to this, up to eight Warhawk players will be able to meet in a "war room" before matches to discuss strategy. The room will even include a table with a representation of the level in 3D, and players will be able to place markers on the board to plan tactics, just like Winston Churchill and Hitler did in WWII. There's no word on being able to push the bits around with big sticks of dowelling as yet.

The war room also serves as a launchpad for the game, so you don't have to leave the Home interface to get into the action.

This says that Resistance will provide Home visitors with a room to explore and let owners visit unexperienced areas of the game, as well as letting them tap into "radio communications" that allow for bonus content.

Can we have a price cut now, please?

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