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Wargaming CEO: 'Free to play is the Wild West, it's unpredictable'

World of Tanks and World of Warplanes developer Wargaming says it still doesn't know free-to-play, due to its unpredictable, shifting nature, and sees a future in free single player titles.

Despite breaking over 20 million registered users in March 2012, and currently sitting closer to the 35 million mark, World of Tanks developer Wargaming has admitted it still doesn't 'get' free-to-play.

Speaking with GI.Biz, Wargaming CEO Victor Kislyi explained, "Free-to-play is still the wild west. Nobody knows and nobody can predict where it will evolve to, where it will branch out to. I can see a single player experience being done on a server, like Gaikai or OnLive. At Wargaming, we don't know free-to-play, we've just conquered this player versus player niche, we're responsible for that."

Kislyi also explained that while there seems to be something of a free-to-play gold rush happening at the moment, that it's not as simple as just showing up to the party and expecting to get rich, "My answer to how do we see competition? Welcome to the club. You're going to need to build a global network."

"In Russia we have 200 people, in America 70 people. People perceive that kind of game, consciously or subconsciously, as a service. Even if they don't pay, and there are dozens of millions of them, they still require the service. If they have a bad experience they spread bad news."

What is your view on F2P? Are the days of them being a lesser experience over, or are there still some areas where you would like to seen them improved? Let us know what you think.

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