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Valve testing DotA 2 on tablets

DotA 2 maybe heading to PC and Mac, but developer Valve is also toying with the idea of a tablet version. Gabe Newell has revealed that his team is looking into it, but that so far tests haven't been all that successful. Get his quotes below.

Speaking with Kotaku, Newell shed light on Valve's dabbling in the tablet scene.

"We were working on getting Dota 2 running on some tablets," he said, "That ended up being kind of a disappointment. But the good news is that tablets are getting faster very quickly, so I think we'll get the kind of performance we want and other game developers want in the near future."

Got to hand it to him for trying we guess. Would you play DotA 2 on tablet if it could run smoothly enough? Let us know below.

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