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Valve looking to release an R18+ rated Left 4 Dead 2 in Australia

Valve's Chet Faliszek has confirmed the company is exploring the possibility of resubmitting Left 4 Dead 2 for an R18+ ratings classification in Australia.

As reported by GameSpot, Faliszek responded to user questions on the Steam forums by confirming Valve are investigating legal options when resubmitting the game.

Left 4 Dead 2, which was originally refused classification in September 2009, was eventually released in Australia without decapitation and the ability to remove undead limbs.

"No need to flood us with emails," Faliszek wrote. "We have been exploring the options here and what we can legally do. We will have more information on this when we understand the issues fully and how we are moving forward but don't worry any cost associated with it doesn't worry us, this is something we want to do."

Earlier this month, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge became the first game awarded an R18+ stamp in Australia, while Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition is also in the running to receive full clearance.

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