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Two Worlds II UK and AU releases in peril [Update]

The troubled Two Worlds II is in for it again, with sources suggesting the game may not make it to UK retail, and Australian representatives not holding out much hope.

TopWare Europe managing director James Seaman told Eurogamer that whispers of an unannounced delay were untrue.

"But we will be doing something different - stay tuned," he added.

By "different", Seaman may mean "non-retail"; according to Eurogamer's source, GAME was the only UK retailer to have struck a deal with TopWare.

In the wake of successive delays, GAME has removed the title from its website, although some stores reportedly continue to display pre-order boxes.

"It is uncertain if any units will make it to the UK," the source commented.

Two Worlds II's UK release was recently delayed after some components of the collector's edition were "wrecked" during shipping from China. TopWare announced a new UK release date of February 25, but rumours from retail later suggested the game had been pushed back to March or even April.

Delays to the Australian release of the game have seen its listing withdrawn from local retailers' websites.

A retail spokesperson said the Collector's Edition had been cancelled, with the standard edition expected in March.

"But we haven't had official confirmation or any information from the vendor," she said of the latter. The last official Australian release date for Two Worlds II was February 10.

Thanks, Shogun Darius.

[Update] GAME has added a new Two Worlds II listing to its UK site, in download form only. The game is listed as unavailable with no release date given.

Thanks, Yas.

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