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Tropico 4 Apocalypse DLC spells the end of all things

Island life is about to get a little less idyllic, as Tropico 4 developer Haemimont Studios has released the Apocalypse DLC pack for Xbox 360 and . It includes a new mission titled "How I learned to love the bomb," which asks players to to prepare their island citizens for the end of the world.

Players must decide with factions and resources to save, and must prepare Tropico for a nuclear war in the face of Cold War negotiations not going quite to plan.

Apocalypse introduces a new trait called Survivalist, which means Tropicans require less food and helps with scavenging. There is also a Nuclear Shelter building that provides and converts faction bonuses depending on work mode. The pack also adds a Hazmat suit.

Apocalypse is out now and costs $4.99.

Thanks, Polygon.

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