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Three new Tropico 4 DLC packs available for Xbox 360

Kalypso Media have announced the release of three new DLC packs for Tropico 4 on Xbox 360.

Courtesy of Gamasutra, each DLC pack costs 400 Microsoft Points and offer new missions, character costumes and traits for El Presidente.

The Megalopolis, Pirate Heaven and Vigilante DLC packs are up on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace offering more ways to expand the city-builder. The DLC packs are also available for Windows PC through digital retailers.

The details of the DLC packs are listed below. A video for Tropico 4 Gold Edition, focusing on NPC's, can be viewed here.

Megalopolis DLC contents -

- Can you build the most expansive island cities? A new mission will challenge you to do just that.
- A new building, the Conventillo, offers cheap housing with plenty of room to spare, but degrades over time and has to be frequently repaired
- The new bureaucrat trait lets you build cheaper residential buildings while earning more profits from the new “building permit” edict
- Dress for the part with the Mayor costume, which includes a monocle, dress suit and special necklace

Pirate Heaven DLC contents –

- Dress like a pirate: New “Pirate Queen” outfit available for female avatars
- Set sail for treasure: Engage in piracy and fill your Tropican coffers with loot
- New island defences: Defend your island from those who might not look fondly upon your pirate ambitions

Vigilante DLC contents –

- El Presidente becomes a masked hero, protecting the citizens of his island from criminals
- Lock ‘em away: a new building, the Labor camp, puts convicts to work for the betterment of the island
- Who’s that masked hero: a new character trait, the Alter Ego, reduces crime on the island while boosting tourism and impressing the Tropican nationals
- Put on a new face: a new costume, Zorro, allows El Presidente to become a masked hero to the people

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