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The Darkness 2 to focus more on story, action, have a cel-shaded look

Digital Extremes has said The Darkness 2 will focus on both story and action this time out, and will have cel-shaded look to it.

Speaking with Games TM magazine, the game's lead designer Tom Galt said the team is "carving its own path," for Darkness 2.

"What Starbreeze did well, in a nutshell, were characters and story," said Galt. "It's one of the only games I played where I actually felt an emotional connection. The Jenny death scene was incredible. I think in The Darkness there's a lot of exploration and walking through New York City, and we felt like, 'Well that's cool,' but we decided to take our game in a different direction and focus more on the action and the story."

As far as the sequel's cel-shaded look is concerned, the team is doing this to replicate the look of the Top Cow comics, Galt revealed, while at the same time getting rid of some of the "backtracking subway elements" from the original.

The Darkness 2 was announced yesterday for a fall release on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

Via CVG.

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