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The Banner Saga 3 pops up on Kickstarter, and is a great way to pick up the first two games

The Banner Saga 3 will end the tactical RPG series, so it's a good time to get onboard.

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The Banner Saga developer Stoic has turned once more to crowdfunding to bring the third and final chapter of its Norse-inspired low fantasy series to life.

The indie is seeking $200,000 for The Banner Saga 3 on Kickstarter, which is twice what is asked for the original game - but that project was funded to the tune of $720,000, so the scope changed a fair bit along the way.

As a special bonus for those new to The Banner Saga, Stoic is offering both of the first two games for $20, added to any pledge towards The Banner Saga 3. That's a pretty cheap given each of them cost that standalone on Steam or GOG.

You probably remember the splash the first entry in The Banner Saga made, but things went pretty quiet after that. In a recent interview with GamesIndustry, Stoic co-founder John Watson said the developer made a mistake by shutting the doors and building the sequel without the community which made the first game such a success.

After four years on the indie scene, the founders of Stoic have to start thinking about how to fund the team; they can't go on with all their capital tied up in the company day to day. But a private investment model wouldn't work a game like The Banner Saga 3, so here we are on Kickstarter again, to take some of the pressure off. Read more on that through the GI link above; it's super interesting how Stoic views both Banner Saga sequels almost as investments in the first game's continued success.

There are stacks of different reward tiers on offer, and stretch goals will be added if the campaign is funded. Go check it out, and see if The Banner Saga 3 tempts you back.

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