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Team Fortress 2 gets new football-inspired game mode

Team Fortress 2 has received a new game mode that incorporates elements of sports into the free-to-play shooter.


Valve, in collaboration with Bad Robot (yes, that's J.J. Abrams' film studio) have added a new game mode in Team Fortress 2. The mode, currently in beta, was co-developed by Escalation Studios.

In it, two teams face off with the aim for scoring more goals than their opponents. The ball replaces your weapon when carried and can be shot or passed by clicking your primary fire key. Other players can intercept it just by touching it.

Meleeing carriers let you steal the ball and carrying it grants you health, speed, vision, and invulnerability boosts. Sounds a bit like Advanced Warfare's Uplink.

Here's some gameplay, courtesy of Valve News Network.

Watch on YouTube

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