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Super Mario Odyssey E3 trailer recreated in Dark Souls 3 feels wrong, or possibly very right

Video mashups are nothing new, but when it brings together two very different series, it can confuse you.

Which is exactly what this video from YouTuber JellyElite~ does. Traditionally a Dark Souls creator, JellyElite has brought the world of Super Mario Odyssey into Dark Souls 3's Lothric.

The YouTuber recreated the game's E3 2017 trailer in Dark Souls 3. Here it is below, and it's actually more involved than you think.

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He manages to create a Mario-ish looking character, mod a red cap into the game, adjust jump values, and more to make it look as silly as possible. There are sadly no Mario enemies here, just horrific Dark Souls 3 baddies.

What it also keeps is the same music which gives the dark world of Lothric a weird feel. The sound effects are all lifted straight from the original trailer, too, something that really makes a mockery of these tough foes.

Sadly, we don't get to see any "possession" - which is definitely not called that in Super Mario Odyssey, according to Nintendo. Though you can see how that would be hard to do in a Dark Souls game.

What do you think? A winning formula, or a marriage of things that should not be mixed?

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