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Street Fighter 5's June update slips to July, but surprise Balrog ships alongside Ibuki

Street Fighter 5 DLC missing its release date isn't news at this stage, but the boxer is.

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Street Fighter 5 players have been waiting longer than expected for the latest update, and unfortunately Capcom has confirmed it will once again miss its target.

The good news is: not by much, and there's not long to wait. The cinematic story mode and Ibuki DLC scheduled for June will instead release on July 1 - this Friday.

That seems a forgivable delay to me, but given that Ibuki had been expected to join the Street Fighter 5 roster in May and Capcom recently promised to be more communicative about Street Fighter's development, you can probably see why some fans would be annoyed by a even a minor delay announced in the final days of June.

Perhaps to compensate for the wait, Capcom has revealed Balrog will release alongside Ibuki on July 1. Street Fighter's premiere boxer is lovingly highlighted in the trailer above, which ends with a nod to Juri and Urien, the final two announced Street Fighter 5 DLC characters.

The trailer and the update release date were both announced during tonight's CEO 2016 finals, where Street Fighter 5 and the Capcom Pro Tour made a stop.

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