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Street Fighter 5: get to know the three new DLC fighters with these introduction videos

Street Fighter 5 has three new challengers for players to come to grips with, and these videos should help.

The three new characters were announced during EVO 2019 (following a leak on Steam), and are available to purchase separately now, or as a pack within the next day or so.

While E Honda is an old favourite and Poison appeared in Street Fighter X Tekken and Street Fighter 4, Lucia is a Final Fight character, making her Street Fighter debut.

To prepare players for these new fighters, the official Street Fighter YouTube account has uploaded three introduction videos of the characters in action.

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E. Honda is perhaps the character who needs the least introduction, having been a series staple since Street Fighter 2. His V Skill is a heavy clap attack that can block projectiles, and he's still got his old classic flurry attack that newbies love to spam.

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Poison has returned too with her whip in hand. She can use it to swing through the air and kick opponents like Spider-Man, or just smack her enemies from far away. Her combo chain potential is low, but her range is incredible.

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Series newcomer Lucia is a detective who hits hard and moves fast, favouring fists and feet (or a police baton) for her attacks. She can also kick a fireball at her opponents and pull off some pretty wild combos. She looks like a lot of fun in this introduction video.

Even if you're not planning on grabbing the DLC, these videos should help if you find yourself fighting against these characters in online matches.

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