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Steam will no longer include user reviews in a game's overall score if the reviewer didn't pay for a copy

Review scores for Steam games will only factor in those who bought the games.


Valve has introduced a couple of changes to the Steam review system this week. These updates follow the same road set by the system's complete overhaul in September last year.

Now, review scores will no longer include any reviews by those who received the game for free, either through a gift, promo codes, or even during a free weekend. This is strictly concerning scores, everyone will still be able to write a review and it will show up on the game's page.

Valve said the changes have already started rolling out, and the process should be complete in the next few days. This also means review scores for certain games will be affected, thanks to the re-calculation that is taking place.

The changes, according to Valve, are made to "better reflect the sentiment expressed by invested, paying customers." Free and free-to-play games are exempt from these changes, meaning all reviews will count towards their scores.

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