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Star War 1313 to release on PS3 this year, according to Sony Germany

Star War 1313 screenshots have popped up on Sony Germany's Facebook page, albeit older shots, it indicates that PS3 will be one of the systems the shooter is release on. Announced by Lucasarts pre-show at E3 2012, platforms other than PC were never confirmed, leading the public to wonder if it was a this-gen or next-gen console release. A Lucasarts representative has said the listing is "not accurate" and that it has no announcements to make regarding the game at this time. So, make of this what you will.

Lucasarts was purchased by Disney in October last year, prompting the developer to assure fans the title's development was not affected. Star Wars 1313 is slated for release in 2013 on PC. Via Playnews.

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