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Spanish plumbing association makes Mario an honorary member


ASEFOSAM, the largest organization of plumbers in Spain, has honored Mario by inducting him as an honorary member of the group.

Yes, we're serious.

The group says that the image of plumbers worldwide has benefited from Mario, thus making their esteem higher in the public's eyes.

Good for them, and Mario.

Thanks, GoNintendo.

Press Release in Spanish and English is below.

Martes, 11 de noviembre de 2009.- La principal asociación de profesionales de la fontanería, ASEFOSAM, nombrará a Mario socio de honor. José María de la Fuente, presidente de la asociación que tiene su origen en el montepío de maestros fontaneros creado en Madrid en el siglo XVIII, impondrá al fontanero italiano creado hace 28 años por Shigeru Miyamoto, la insignia de plata con la que se distingue a los miembros de la asociación que más han contribuido a mejorar la imagen del gremio.

Mario, a su vez, aprovechará la ocasión para homenajear a José Funes, con más de 40 años en la profesión, maestro decano de ASEFOSAM, agrupación que integra a más de 2.400 empresas y 20.000 profesionales, y a todos los asociados que lleven más de 28 años dedicándose a la fontanería en nuestro país.

Todos ellos, que acumulan siglos de trabajo en el gremio, podrán repasar las casi tres décadas del personaje de Nintendo siempre de guardia para la fontanería o para rescatar a la dama en apuros. Este acto abrirá el concurso Buscamos al mejor jugador de Mario Bros. de España que se celebrará este sábado en Madrid (10,30 AM Sala Milk-Studio, calle General Lacy, 48).


Tuesday, 11 of November of 2009. - The main association of professionals of the plumbing, ASEFOSAM, will appoint to Mario honor partner. Jose Maria of the Source, president of the association that has its origin in the charitable fund of masterful plumbers created in Madrid in century XVIII, will impose to the created Italian plumber for 28 years by Shigeru Miyamoto, the silver standard with which he distinguishes himself to the members of the association which they have more contributed to improve the image of the union.

Mario, as well, will take advantage of the occasion to homenajear to Jose Funes, with more than 40 years in the profession, teacher dean of ASEFOSAM, grouping that Integra to more than 2,400 companies and 20,000 professionals, and to all the associates who have been more than 28 years dedicating itself to the plumbing in our country.

All of them, that accumulate centuries of work in the union, will be able to review almost the three decades of the personage of Nintendo always of guard it plumbing or to rescue the lady in hardships. This act will abrirá the contest We looked for the best player of Mario Bros. of Spain that will be celebrated east Saturday in Madrid (10.30 A.M. Milk-Studio Room, General street Lacy, 48).

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