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Saturday shorts - Pinball FX 2 compo, Last Story, Kinect hacks, Monday Night Combat PC delay, more


Lots of relatively minor news stories related to videogames are combined to make a whole greater than the sum of its parts after the break.

  • A Pinball FX 2 competition's been announced. Starting immediately, you have until January 28 to get your highest possible score on the XBLA game. Prizes include Microsoft Points, DLC and game codes. Full details on Destructoid.
  • The PC version of Monday Night Combat's been delayed a week, slipping from January 17 to January 24. Dev Uber Entertainment said on the Steam forums to extra time is necessary to ensure "a solid launch with more bug fixes and more time to polish as well as add some new content." Via Joystiq.
  • The latest Left 4 Dead 2 mutation is Riding My Survivor. "This Versus Mutation is all about Jockeys," said Valve on the game's blog. "The Jockeys have increased health, speed and damage. The humans have increased hatred for the Jockey’s call."
  • The UK government spent £2.8 million on safety-teaching free-to-play MMO Code of Everand, according to Puffbox. According to GI, the four year-old game brought in 54,000 new users during its March 2010 peak, before falling back to 6,500 the following month. Sign-ups have continued to decline since then, and now number in the very low thousands.
  • Former EA exec Bing Gordon is to receive the AIAS Lifetime Achievement Award this year. The gong will be passed over at the DICE Summit in Las Vegas on February 10. Via BigDownload.
  • “There are 11 games on Facebook larger than World of Warcraft," a Facebook rep has told IncGamers. According to the site, CityVille, FarmVille, Texas Hold’Em, FrontierVille, Cafe World, Mafia Wars, Treasure Isle, MindJolt, Happy Aquarium, Pet Society and Bejeweled Blitz are all more popular than the Blizzard MMO, which is played by 12 million subs per month.
  • Pocketgamer's rumouring that LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is coming to iPhone and iPad, and that Epic has plans to update iOS hit Infinity Blade for another six months.
  • Cooking Mama's launched on Facebook. The browser version of Majesco's perennial food preparation title's known as Friend's Cafe. Via Joystiq.
  • There are videos of a canceled People Can Fly game called Come Midnight on GSW. Apparently the Polish developer worked on it after Painkiller and before selling to Epic.
  • French inventor Francois Vogel has come up with a way to watch 3D films and play 3D PC games without having to buy an expensive monitor, television, or where funky glasses. Hint: It involves blinking, and it really freaks us out. Watch a video demonstration of it for yourself over on RPS.
  • Digital Foundry has a feature posted on Eurogamer called Kinect Hacking: The Story So Far, which is basically what the title suggests. You should have a read.
  • In other Kinect hacking news, modder Jack Schofield's has posted a video of himself Kinecting his way through Indigo Prophecy. There's a "lengthy video demonstration" of this over on Joystiq.
  • BioWare has updated its Star Wars: The Old Republic site with a developer blog on how the team created the game's star ships. Extra detail in the post focuses on the X-70B Phantom.
  • GoNintendo is reporting that Mistwalker's Wii title The Last Story will not have any "shake controls". It will also auto switch controls when you plug in a Classic controller. Great news. Now all we need is for the game to leave Japan sometime in the next 20 odd years. Ya hear us, Nintendo? Instead of whining about it, maybe we should sign a petition. Maybe it will work. Doubtful though.
  • Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter will be getting some DLC soon. Called the Fusion DLC Pack, it combines all the campaign and multiplayer levels from The First Encounter into The Second Encounter with new modes like Beast Hunt and My Burden using the classic maps from The First Encounter.The Fusion DLC Pack is priced at $9.99 on Steam, is free for those who already own the core game, adds 15 levels and 7 versus levels into the Second Encounter, and much more. Get the full skinny over on Seriouszone.
  • NBA 2K11 will be getting a free stereoscopic 3D update tomorrow for those who own the PS3 version and a 3d capable TV. This is the same version you could back exclusively at Best Buy during the holidays. Thanks, GamersHell.

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