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Sakaguchi: Wii's lack of HD caused problems for The Last Story

Mistwalker boss Hironobu Sakaguchi has said The Last Story was limited by the Wii's modest SD capabilities, despite being designed from the ground up for the ageing console.

"It’s unfortunate, but the final issue that always seemed to deny certain ideas was the SD resolution limitation," the Final fantasy creator told IGN.

Nevertheless, The Last Story is an undeniably good-looking game, and possible one of the system's best.

'Within those parameters we aimed to create a title with beautiful graphics that can compete with modern day specs. And though the resolution may be SD, I think players will really enjoy the sophisticated world," Sakaguchi said, urging players to make the best of it.

"I would be pleased if people would view our efforts to their best by switching their cables to advanced connection cables or by playing it in the best environment possible," he added.

The Last Story is available now in Europe and hits the US on July 10.

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