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Rumour: half of Disney Epic team laid off


Although Warren Spector has made some hopeful sequel noises, Disney doesn't appear amused by Epic Mickey's poor critical and commercial performance. Industry figures are talking about significant layoffs at the Junction Point studio.

CNBC reports that insiders claim nearly half the 700-strong Junction point staff have lost their jobs.

A Warner Bros. developer tweeted that he was "hearing about layoffs" at Junction Point, adding that it "sucks for everyone involved... those laid off, those still at the studio. Bad times everyway you look at it."

Bryan Cash of Schell Interactive, whose office is in the vicinity of Junction Point, chimed in with "condolences to those folks laid off from Junction Point."

Disney are yet to respond with an official statement, except to confirm that Junction point has not been closed. The publisher recently closed its Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron: Evolution developer, Propaganda games.

Thanks, Eurogamer.

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