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Rumour: Battlefield Heroes heading to high def consoles [Update]


Update: Looks like time told quicker than we thought: EA has put up a post on the official Battlefield Heroes website saying the information is incorrect and the company has "no plans to release Battlefield Heroes on either PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360." And that's that.

Original story:

Joystiq is running a rumour which states that Battlefield Heroes is coming to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Apparently, EA's press site now has the game listed under both of those platforms as well as the PC.

Mental, huh? But wait, there's more: GOONL!NE has noticed that a console version of Battlefield Heroes is due out in June whereas the PC version is slated for September.

Last we heard, BH was due for a "summer" outing.

Time will tell.

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